How to Make Subway Surfers in Unreal Engine 5

In a recent YouTube video, the creator embarks on an ambitious project to develop a 24-hour game, inspired by the popular mobile game Subway Surfers. With their subscriptions canceled and a desire for entertainment, they turn to YouTube to explore the world of game development. Utilizing the powerful Unreal Engine, the creator takes us on a journey as they tackle various aspects of game creation, including character movement, animations, level design, obstacles, collectibles, user interface, and more. Join us as we dive into the exciting process of creating a game from scratch within a limited timeframe.

Choosing the Right Game Engine:

The video begins with the creator's decision to use the renowned Unreal Engine, known for its versatility and capabilities. They start by working on the player character, creating a blueprint and implementing basic movement mechanics. After a few tweaks, the character moves smoothly, but improvements are still needed.

Refining Character Animations:

To enhance the player character's movement, the creator delves into creating custom animations and an animation system. By connecting different animations, such as idle, walk, and jump, through a blend space, they achieve a more lifelike character movement. After resolving a small glitch with the jump animation, the character now runs like an Olympian.

Implementing Player Interactions:

No game is complete without obstacles and collectibles. The creator adds various obstacles and collectible items to the game, making them interactable with the player character. Through blueprint logic, collisions between the player and these objects result in score increases or decreases, adding depth and challenge to the gameplay.

Infinite Level Generation:

To ensure endless gameplay, the creator tackles the creation of an infinite level generation system. By modifying the master tile blueprint, they develop a mechanism where new tiles spawn as the player progresses, ensuring a never-ending level experience. With this addition, the player character runs endlessly through the dynamically generated environment.

User Interface and HUD:

A game is only complete with a well-designed user interface (UI) and heads-up display (HUD). The creator develops a UI HUD that displays the player's score, lives, and other relevant information. They also create a pause HUD for when players want to take a break from the game. Additionally, they implement a game over HUD to display relevant information after the player's character fails a task or loses all lives.

Saving Game Data:

To provide continuity between gameplay sessions, the creator incorporates a save game blueprint that stores the player's high score. They create logic to initialize the save game file and retrieve the high score when the game starts. This ensures that the player's progress is not lost between sessions.

Creating a game within a 24-hour timeframe is a challenging endeavor, but the creator of this YouTube video successfully accomplishes it. From character movement to level design, obstacle implementation to user interface, they showcase the process of developing a game from scratch using the powerful Unreal Engine. While the final product may have a few minor issues, it serves as a testament to the creator's dedication and skill in game development. This video not only entertains but also provides insights into the creative and technical aspects of developing a game.

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